Decoding Spatial System Patterns in Sassanian Architecture and Their Continuity in Modern Buildings: A Comparative Analysis


  • Ramin Houshyar Department of Architecture, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran. ‎


Pattern‎, Spatial system‎, Sassanian period‎, Spatial relationships‎


Contemporary architects often overlook the importance of incorporating past architectural patterns, especially principles of spatial organization, into their designs. This oversight can lead to a sense of disorder in modern architecture. By revisiting and reimagining these tested patterns, architects can discover new avenues for creativity and innovation. This research examines the spatial system patterns of Sassanian architecture, aiming to extract valuable insights for contemporary architectural practice. Thus, the study identifies and presents common spatial system patterns in Sassanian architecture to demonstrate how these patterns can shape modern architectural works and foster a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. To achieve these goals, the study employs a mixed-method approach that combines historical-interpretive research methodology with comprehensive library reviews and detailed field observations. The research questions guiding this study focus on analyzing and identifying the fundamental elements of Sassanian architectural spaces, understanding the interactions between these spaces, and uncovering the spatial organizational strategies used in their construction. The findings reveal that Sassanian palaces exhibit significant integrity in their spatial organization patterns, characterized by spatial axis, centrality, introversion and extraversion, spatial independence, spatial hierarchy, spatial transparency, intermediate spaces, contrasting spaces, symmetry, spatial continuity, and spatial hierarchy. These common patterns observed in selected Sassanian palaces underscore the fundamental principles that guided Sassanian architectural design. By understanding and incorporating these principles into contemporary architectural practice, designers can create spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally efficient and experientially rich.


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How to Cite

Decoding Spatial System Patterns in Sassanian Architecture and Their Continuity in Modern Buildings: A Comparative Analysis. (2024). Architectural Dimensions and Beyond, 1(1), 11-26.