The Role of Light in Sacred Architecture and Tomb Design


  • Saba Khodabakhshi Alzahra Institute of Higher Education, Karaj, Iran.
  • Fatima Askarianzade Alzahra Institute of Higher Education, Karaj, Iran.


Conveying a sense of calm, Optimal use of light, Meaningful spaces, Spiritual needs


The present research examines the role of natural and artificial light in sacred architecture and the poet's tomb, analyzing its impacts on users' spatial, spiritual, and emotional experiences. Light, as one of the key elements in the design of religious spaces, not only enhances the environment's aesthetics but can also create a spiritual atmosphere and encourage deep contemplation. In this research, we will first examine the history of the use of light in sacred architecture across different cultures and periods. Then, we will discuss the role of natural light in conveying a sense of calm and relaxation and how artificial light functions to complement and enhance spiritual experiences. Moreover, this research highlights the challenges and opportunities presented in the use of light in contemporary religious spaces. The results of this study can assist architects and designers in creating meaningful spaces that align with users' spiritual needs through the optimal use of light.


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How to Cite

The Role of Light in Sacred Architecture and Tomb Design. (2025). Architectural Dimensions and Beyond, 2(1), 1-7.