Factors Perception and Application Leading a Sense of Place in Identity Restorative Direction


  • Fatemeh Nejati ‎Department of Art and Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Khatam University, 1417466191, Tehran, Iran‎.


Belonging sense‎, Place attachment‎, Memory, Environmental perception


Nowadays, place sense attaches people's places connection and considers them based on their experiences of signs, meanings, actions, personalities and roles that place conceives in minds and see them as relevant. Thus, subjective and objective factors promote a sense of spatial belonging, and their combined effects reveal meaning to human places and the environment. Yet, no sense of place in urban spaces has been one of the issues that has been widely felt in recent times. However, urban space professionals haven't been able to make it for citizens, even in culture-based influential places. Therefore, the proposed study was conducted for influential factors identification on making place belonging sense to revitalize environmental identity. Firstly, through literature review and research background, the main factors impacting place belonging sense to revitalization were identified and ended by field study and survey. The study population included all patrons of the Niavaran Cultural Center in Tehran, from which 168 samples were selected randomly, and a questionnaire was distributed. Finally, the data were analyzed using SPSS software, and the Spearman statistical test results indicated that components' intensification was observed, of which accumulation, memory and enjoyment are mentioned. It promotes a sense of belonging in the cultural space.


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How to Cite

Factors Perception and Application Leading a Sense of Place in Identity Restorative Direction. (2024). Architectural Dimensions and Beyond, 1(1), 1-10. https://adb.reapress.com/journal/article/view/17